All Med Express Ambulance Service Staff

The intent of this memo is to elevate awareness of the action of the Biden Administration’s decisions related to mandatory vaccines and to make clear the plans and intents of Med Express Ambulance Service relating to acceptance and compliance of these imminent requirements.  Because we are a company greater than 100 employees, we participate with Federal Contract Services, we receive Medicare, Medicaid, VA and DOD funds, we are required to accept and follow these mandates to continue both our corporate existence and to serve our communities and staff within these imposed and enforced requirements. 

The mandate in its current form requires that all employees be fully vaccinated before the deadline date of December 15th, 2021 and show evidence of vaccination.  For those working on Federal Contracts, these employees must be 100% evidence of vaccination by December 8.  We encourage you to educate yourself now, talk to your doctor and visit our website for helpful links ( Again, as of right now the Federal Government deadline is December 15th for all employees to be vaccinated.

Because of the timelines for the individual Vaccines and the two weeks recommended effective time, please keep the following dates in mind for individual accountabilities:

  • Moderna: First dose by October 27 and second dose by November 24
  • Pfizer: First dose by November 3 and second dose by November 24
  • Johnson and Johnson: Single dose by November 24

On December 7 we will do a final staff roster of vaccinated staff members and adjust our operational footprint accordingly.  If changes are required and there is no change in this federal mandate, we will be forced to comply functionally on December 16.

Please understand we are currently under the mandate and have every reason at this time to believe the final rules and implementation will be as advised.  Any relief from this mandate will be welcomed and you will be immediately informed if it affects the compliance requirement of Med Express Ambulance Service.  We will keep you up to date if we become aware of any changes from the Federal Government on the subject of COVID Vaccinations.  If any part of the requirement is rescinded, modified, extended, or further explained, the link on will be updated.

Thanks for your passion and professionalism that defines our organization. Together we will address and overcome this great challenge.

– Mark Majors, CEO

For more information relating to COVID-19:

What You Should Know About COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other EEO Laws | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (

President Biden’s COVID-19 Plan | The White House

Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC – Search for COVID-19 vaccine locations

Contact our team today with any questions you have.

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